
Free Stock Images for Content Marketing
The landscape of royalty-free photos is changing. In the past, sources for quality free stock photos for use on websites, in print materials and on social media was limited. In more recent years, options have expanded and there are a number of free websites that offer an increasing amount of quality visuals.

How to Rank Better in Google Local Results
Have you ever wondered why some businesses come up ahead of others? Perhaps a newer, less established business is coming up ahead of yours. In this post, we’ll explore some factors that affect how a business ranks and simple steps you can take to improve your position.

The Importance of WordPress Updates
WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems, powering millions of websites around the globe. Like many software programs, it’s important to keep both WordPress and any plugins your website uses up-to-date. Many of these software updates address critical security vulnerabilities, that left unpatched could result in your website being compromised by hackers.

Simple Ways to Attract New Followers
Social media is a powerful force and, with the right strategy and content, can attract significant attention to your brand. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to reach out to someone who already has access to the audience you desire to reach.

Search Engine Optimization Basics
Search engines like Google and Bing are the table of contents of the internet, helping you to find the content that is most relevant to the terms, called keywords, you enter into them. Learn the basics of SEO and why some websites come up higher than others in search results.

Social Media for Business Intro
Learn the basics of social media and how you can use it to better engage with customers, improve your products and services and encourage positive conversation around your brand.

Google Alerts: What People Are Saying About You
The internet is a big place and it is important to know what others are saying about you. With Google Alerts, you can receive email alerts when new pages are discovered that match a specific search query, such as the name of your company or even the names of clients or key people in your organization.

Search Engine Optimization: Creating Great Content
Websites get found, not because they have pretty graphics or clean code, but instead because they have great content that is worth finding. Often, we focus so much on promoting ourselves that we forget what visitors really want. They want to learn how to solve a problem, increase their knowledge in an area, or be entertained.

Guerrilla Marketing: Optional or Mandatory?
Creativity is a great way to attract attention to your brand, without spending a lot of money. Guerrilla marketing is a way to stand out from competitors, reach consumers and spread a positive message about your brand and its products and services.

How To Easily Make Your Facebook Page Stand Out
Want to make your Facebook page stand out? Discover practical tips on how to improve your Facebook business page and enhance user engagement.